Monthly Archives: November 2014

Hipstamatic’s Tintype

Hello again. I’ve been using Hipstamatic’s new Tintype app recently and it produces some great images as well as being fun to use. It basically gives the same effect as the Tinto/D-plate and Tinto/C-plate combos on the Hipstamatic camera app but with more control! It’s brilliant for portraits but can be used for other types of images as well. Here’s a short work through on using Tintype although it’s very straight forward..First here’s the start screen..

IMG_5659 It then takes you to it’s own camera set up where you can take pictures with either the front or back lenses…

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You can save the image as it is or edit it!! The second screen shot shows the an editing tool which allows you to change from the B&W image to the C-plate colour image, you can also crop to a square format although i prefer to do this in another editing app with more control..

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The next screen shot is where you adjust the plate grain effect and where you can also use a different frame theres quite a big different in the adjustments so it;s best to use slight moderations. The next editing tool is the eye intensity edit screen where you can adjust how intense the eyes are going to be!! This is great for portraits as the eyes are so important.

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The final screen allows you too effect the depth of field in the image, again go slowly with this as theres a large range of adjustment!. So you can see there’s quite a few useful editing tools to mess around with. This was the final image in Tintype. I then saved the image and imported into snapseed and scratchcam for a little bit of fine tuning!

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And here’s some more tintype images…

IMG_5629 IMG_5646 IMG_5601 As you can see it produces very distinctive images. I will have to try some other genres like landscapes and street to see if it can produce something interesting…Thanks for looking and please leave any comments as usual..




Categories: Hipstamatic, Iphone editing, Iphoneography, Photography, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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