Iphone Manipulations

Hi all, I thought I’d share some of my iphone images today. These are all part of a series of images that I have created on the iphone5 using the phone as the camera and editing tool. I haven’t named the series yet although I have toyed with a couple of titles ie Echoes, Memory. They are all set in hallways or corridors and have people in them walking away from the camera as ghostly figures or memories of what the hallway itself would remember if it had the ability!!

IMG_2797 IMG_2637 IMG_2128 These were the first three that I created using the iphone and where the idea first sprang to life. I was fascinated by the concept of buildings having memory and what events or stories they have silently witnessed over their lifetime. Especially school corridors where countless generations of children have been left by their parents on the first day and of the emotional responses that involved.

LEFT BEHIND by craigpoltock class1.jpg digi 20-2 IMG_6343 beyond corridors by craig poltock class 1. print print echoes

All these images were taken on the iphone and blended using an app called superimpose where you can have a background image and paste onto that other images and effects. I then developed the image further by using Snapseed primarily and other apps like scratchcam, icolorama and distreesed fx for finishing touches.

Final Destination Memories of Light  by craig poltock class1. prints IMG_5321As you can see most of my models are repeated in the final images as they were saved in superimpose as already edited and they suited the overall theme well. This is an ongoing project that I have no idea where it heading or if it will change or evolve in some way. I will hopefully keep you posted as and when it does. Thanks for looking and please comment if you have any input. 

Categories: apps, Iphone editing, Iphoneography, Photography, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “Iphone Manipulations

  1. Pingback: Iphone Manipulations | Craig Poltock

  2. These are beautiful. I love your concept and the photos really represent that.

  3. Strikingly captivating set of images…

  4. mysterious 🙂

  5. Striking images……..

  6. Love these edits!
    Wonderful mood in each one.

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